Can i be the first to wish our new manager whoever that is all the best in his new venture when he leaves next June.
Our churn, when it comes to managers, makes me wonder why we put them through numerous interviews. If they're any good they won't be here in 12 months time. If they're abject they might be lucky to last 12 months. If they're meh then they might get jettisoned after 12 months to throw some red meat to the supporters clamouring for changes.
"The King is in the all together But all together the all together He's all together as naked as the day that he was born. The King is in the all together But all together the all together It's all together the very least the King has ever worn."
This is bordering on trolling mate. As hilarious as it is, there's plenty of other threads you could have posted this comment to, without creating a new one. FWIW, I personally think you're wasting your talent on here. Michael McIntyre is always on the lookout for comedy writers.
I thought it was we can fill pints faster ? Won’t make a difference the service will still be godawful