With the likes is above and beyond but the problem is I've started to get paranoid if I make a comment and don't get a like it must have proper rubbish, I have to convince myself she hasn't seen it lol.
I get all excited to see numerous alerts. Or panic like what the fck have I said now.? (after a few shandies). But then I see it’s only Red H & all is well.. Then you find yourself obliged to like all her stuff. A cunning popularity plan, on her part..
I admin, if I get double figures (ok, 5) alert quotes, I **** myself. What they c0ck have I said and who have I upset.
Didnt come on for 2 days a few weeks ago, came back to i think 29 notifications... all likes from the lovely duo redhelen and dawson
On a slightly separate point, and it should be said, Redhelen is one of the politest posters on the board. For people who get angry and turn to belittlement or insult they should take a leaf out of her book. About time someone got praised for being a nice poster.
I totally agree I hope this doesn't come across as any of the things you mentioned it was ment very tongue in cheek.