I hope he pulls through this. Worrying times for him and his loved ones, it’s a critical 24 hours. I was lucky to come through it all, I hope he has the same luck. If he does it’ll be a long road.
Good luck sir. My wife's friend was diagnosed with A couple of Aneurysms. After suffering symptoms. Dangerous operations to consider. but saved hers (as they were liable to burst at any time) and many others lives.
Wow. Glad you have come through this mate. Hope you are doing well. My mate in similar situation. Two years and mobility still a problem. Horrible condition.
Fearless Tyke you have both my sympathy and my admiration....I agree its a long road back....some years ago I also got lucky . I had a series of T.I.As but with all the symptoms of a full blown stroke Those TIAs most of which occured whilst I was in the hospital being treated for the 1st one of many that week... Luckily for me non of my scans showed any brain bleeds ....infact the doctors were, in their words, completely baffled by my symptoms all my blood test returned normal results...however my optic nerve was affected giving me double vision in both eyes which I can tell you is very freaky indeed....I was almost 6 months before normal eye sight was restored having wore glasses with special prisms to allow me to see singular....my vision is OK unless I look in to the very corners of my eyes which then show double, my thought process is a lot slower and at times I struggle with words that I once could pronounce let alone sentences, plus I get tired easily...that said I consider myself very fortunate It could have been very much worse. So fingers crossed Edwin pulls through and overcomes his injury. Hope your doing fine FT all the very best buddy.
Van de Sar's finest hour was getting the diving clown Ortega sent off in the World Cup in France and getting the Dutch back in the game.
I was unlucky to go through it and lucky to get through it. Had a sub arachnoid brain haemorrhage and a condition called reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. I’m back to 80 or 90% but it’s taken 4 years. I couldn’t lift my arm above 45 degrees and had to have physio. The lasting issues are anxiety, tiredness, crap short term memory at times and mental block sometimes. You’d take that any day of the week. I’m less emotional and outgoing and haven’t driven on motorway in 4 years. It just overwhelms me. I don’t see it but my wife says I get snappy and short tempered, which I never did before. Thankfully I haven’t any lasting mobility issues. The hardest part was to accept you’re a different you. It really is pot luck whether you firstly make it through, then what recovery you have. I was lucky being 5 mins from hospital. Many aren’t. I carry a guilt complex for being here when others haven’t been as lucky. I hope your mate continues to improve, it’s a long road and I wish the best of luck with it all. Got to take it day by day.
Sorry to hear that shed 131 mate, it must have been frightening and scary for you. It’s amazing how many people you hear of that have had something similar, all with different outcomes. I’ve the same with the thought process and tiredness, so I know how you must feel at times. Did you find it difficult to accept the new you, if you don’t mind me asking? People, naturally, always ask how I’m doing and how I am but nobody has ever asked how my wife is - it’s easy to forget how it all affects those closest to you. I’ll probably give myself away here, but Casualty 24/7 series 2 episode 1 - that’s me, red phone emergency. Can’t get away from it.
Yes you certainly become a new you and not all of it is good unfortunately...it certainly knocks your confidence and effects your emotions....I think one of the hardest things I had to overcome was the mental blockages that take place and the wipe out of certain memory ( easist way to describe it is its like ...you can see/ know what you want to say but your brain doesn't process it quick enough ) which in my case that then effects my speech....whilst those that are really close say its hardly noticeable to me it feels like a mega pause and can cause me anxiety which can then make me feel like im stuttering and I get my words mixed up big time ...for instance I'll say words mid sentence that start with the same letter as the word I'm wanting to say and then think that's not right and then i can say possibly 3more words before I get the right one.... Just chuckling to myself one word and description I always struggle with is the word fluorescent it completely goes out of my head and cause a blankness in my thought pattern...so to speak.. infact, I've just spent 2 minutes like I always do trying to think of the correct word for strip lightening.before giving up and looking it up......lol You are right about our wife's nobody asks them how they cope..my wife for instance requires a medal the size of a dustbin lid no doubt such as yours does ...id say they worry endlessly ..I can drop to sleep quite easily in the chair it's like someone flicks a switch and I'm out its that quick ...I then wake up suddenly some 10/20 minutes later with a jolt and think I've been asleep for hours ...my wife can detect when I'm having a bad day..just by looking at me, with my facial expressions and she says that I can get easily agitated and very frustrated mostly with myself for reasons that I can't explain and don't understand why.. It certainly knocks your confidence and in my case there's some days when I shy away from the public gaze ...however I do my best to overcome it all as is the testament of appearing on a few occasions on Red all over fan cam ...each new day is a blessing and its always at the back of your mind ...what if...the odd head ache can cause excessive worry too ...before it clears
Sounds like you’ve had a hard time mate, but you’ve come through it. Day at a time, keep the spirit up. If my wife hadn’t been sat in our front room directly below our bedroom I wouldn’t be here. She’s been so strong on the outside but nobody appreciates the inside demons, and she had pts from it all. I can be doing something on the computer at work and get a call, or sidetracked by somebody’s query - 2 mins later I can be looking at the screen and have no clue what I was doing or looking at. I sit there just looking blank. My mate who sits opposite just laughs now when it happens. If I’m talking to somebody about anything I can get brain freeze in mid sentence and just have no clue what I was talking about and have to be told what we were on about. It’s good to share these experiences with people who have been through it and understands what’s on the inside too, so thanks for opening up. The tiredness is very similar to yours, including the random nodding off! It has got better though, so there’s always a goal to aim for. Keep positive and be content with the new you - all the best, I’ll keep an eye out on the RAO blogs for you. How often are you on?
On RAO..Only occasionally if I'm honest and I can relate to the forgetfulness....errr what were we talking about lol.... Take care all the best .