No.. plus I'd be feeling a little put out and 'a player of second fiddle' if I was a Cheltenham fan reading this.. I'd have a right huff, after all that nice hospitality they gave us as well last year. If you just like Green and Yellow kit then may I suggest a that you strike up an affinity with WBA.. they've had that for there second kit for 40 years.
I can still squeeze into my Tampa Bay Rays t-shirt from a trip to the Gulf Coast a few years back. Might dig that out....
A commercial link up could be a decent idea, but would they want to partner up with the team that has basically just tapped their manager? I can’t see us wanting Swansea selling our shirts in their club shop for example.
Their game is about to start away at Birmingham Legion. Dunno if it's as good as Penistone Legion or not. Be interesting to see if they drop off or not now we've too Collins and Stead.