The village, up the A61, past Birdwell, next to Hoyland Common, Elsecar and Jump. Say it out loud in your own accent. And then, put on a fake Irish accent and say 'Ireland'. And then laugh
I'm cooking parsnips that smell like they've fermented. The whole house reeks like a distillery. I might be sober right now, but all sorts is going to happen when I've eaten these buggers. And if that's the way I'm checking out, I'm pretty happy with it. Here lies Jay Died of Parsnips Who knew
I've definitely missed being in your company, my old friend. You're unique, intelligent, extremely funny and just a little bit mad.
Say “Space Ghetto” in your best attempt at an ‘American’ accent, and you’ll sound like a Scottish bloke saying Spice Girl.
Tip of the day ...follow instructions if out in female company and they get legless on the ale and you need to carry them home ...just flip them upside down insert your fingers in the orifice's provided and carry them home like you do a six pack of lager........
OILAND!! Is actually a town, it’s older than Barnsley. It’s in the Doomsday book. I’m from Hoyland. One time when I was a kid, I asked a gadgie in Sheffield bus station when’s the next bus home? He said, our buses don’t go to Ireland. I’d just bought Clash Cost of Living EP & I think Eton Rifles & Bright Eyes singles. Funny what you remember.. I can’t stand parsnips though, they’re just crap carrots..
Imagine every bleeding time we catch/caught a bus. Driver or conductor "Where to" Us. "Jump please" Them "How far" Others " Where are you from" Us "Jump" Others "How far" Another interesting fact there is a 'Jump' in the good old US of A. Ohio in fact. Visit it when tha goes over, let us know what it's like. And you being an Hoylander (oylunder) don't reply shithole. Article also says it's the only place in the world. Called Jump. Ignorant two hats.
Jay is probably my second favourite Barnsley fan. But have you noticed, he never ‘likes’ anyone else’s posts.? He claimed, years ago, that his like button doesn’t work? Which is total cow fodder, the posh get.. Great hair though, & a magnificent taste in music. Second only, to my own.