Think I said a couple of years ago I randomly dropped on the prosecuting clerk in a cricket club in Leeds who said in the face of all the evidence he couldn’t believe the jury found him not guilty. But that’s what happens when you let just anyone be on the jury. Same as when you let just anyone vote…
Sorry, I misread the article, I agree with your post, he should be banned from Oakwell. Actually no, he should just be banned.
What amazes me is how throughout his entire career, he hasn’t ended up on the wrong end of a good hiding. We know he’s a coward and a bully, but there’s also usually players who go looking for cowards and bullies. He has this knack of escaping scot free, which I guess is what emboldens him to carry on.
Banned from tarn. Where have you got that from ? He's banned from the home game which is our first away. Edit. sorry. Bypassed the replies.
Seems like Football League acknowledges the misdemeanours whilst at Fleetwood .which means they took into consideration and accepted that he was responsible for Daniel Stendals tunnel incident.