Don't blame em mate' there was plenty of our fans on their forums telling em how badly their clubs were being run whilst we were living within our means' just goes to show we should never get on our high horses' Conway is an absolute hypocrite and has made us all look fools with his constant bulls**t' time to get our tin hats on and take the flack with good grace.
Agree totally but It's OK..i knew that when I posted be honest However I'm sick of the personal abuse that flys around on here of late and yes its got worse..personally my shoulders are big enough and I'm old enough to deal with stuff thrown my way but there's a lot of folks that aren't ...if you stick your head above the parapet and go against the norm then you can expect to be shot down, simply because your opinions differ from the majority.and your opinions don't matter only theirs count .some find it too painful to deal with the truth of the matter....and can't believe that what they've heavily invested in isn't exactly what it says on the tin... So even though those that are still in denial of what is taking/ taken place and yes you know who you are then put me on ignore ....and keep looking through the rose coloured spectacles that you are wearing until you open your eyes and catch a glimpse of reality Unfortunately this place is a shadow of what it use to be....the minority spoiling it for the rest. I won't be posting for the next few weeks not that I'm throwing my Teddy out of the cot...ive got family commitments ... But enjoy what's about to come out in the'll enjoy it ...until you take your glasses off....
Sorry Paul but I disagree...might I just suggest without malice or take a step back wait and see ....
So you get called out, and everybody’s in denial, Christ on a bike. Perhaps, people are awaiting the full story including how the EFL see/deal with this before forming an opinion.
I'll tell you why it gets heated. Because a certain group of people are happy to post utter rubbish, usually in an aggressive barrack room lawyer kind of way and then get touchy when they're picked up on it. For those who try to take a balanced view of things it's annoying but, hey, you crack on with the happy clapper rhetoric.
I’ve no issue with you Shed and I totally get what you are saying but I don’t think you actually realise how serious your “in the know” post is. It’s a post that if believed can turn the fans against the club. All this with nothing to back it up other than a whisper from your mate. The club (although they won’t do this) could sue you for slander if what u say is untrue. Can you at least understand why ppl may be angry to have called you out and given you a bit of a bashing. What you’ve said is no different to someone accusing a person of having affair with nothing to back it up other than “someone told you”. Ok…..maybe that’s a bit far fetched but I guess you can see where I’m coming from. There’s a lot of people on here that put in a lot of time & hard work for and with Barnsley FC and your post probably hurts as they “technically” can’t say anything on a public message board to either confirm or clear the vicious rumour. To then come back on gloating as tho “you told us so” is a bit of a “5hit” thing to do. I personally don’t understand why you feel as tho you need to gloat as you’ve not really been correct on a lot of things……you just think you are. I love the club as a fan and it hurts me that ppl can post these rumours with nothing to back it up. That’s why you got a hell of a lot of stick.
Shame on you for daring to be critical against the club Shed. Get ready now for the usual suspects again, to go biting your head off etc!.
Some seem to be enjoying us being in this situation - someone on Facebook said they'd quite like to see the club closed down and Oakwell knocked down. These people are fans? Wonder how many Bury fans enjoyed them being closed down and going out of the league
I thought last year was bad but this summer certainly seems to have divided the fans to whole new levels. End of the day we all want us to do well and should respect or debate different opinions to ours.
Managed to make a massive post gloating about another post that other people have correctly called out as mostly incorrect, then decides he can't reply for the next few week due to family commitments. I love a good flounce me.
This reads like an angry fan bingo card. All our favourites, rose tinted, happy clapping Teddy bears etc..