Been working all year to produce a great day for Duxford village on Saturday. Weather forecast saying high winds, rain and low temperatures. Big wheel and bouncy castle gone. Market stalls in doubt. B****r. Sorry, not Barnsley, but just b****r!
Amazing how 48 hour weather events like these always drop at weekend…..or so it seems. Off to Scarborough for a couple of nights tomorrow and forecast is grim.
RIAT at RAF Fairford is going to be badly affected as well. Air displays could be cancelled as thunderstorms are forecast. Such a shame as this is such a huge event attracting thousands of people.
Rather this weather than the 45 degrees a lot of the continent are experiencing. Although it should be consistently warmer and dryer than this for July.
Hope it's a decent day in tarn. Saturday. Plenty going on.’s-big-weekend-2023-brassed-on/200024810939522