My goodness! That fount of all knowledge which is Wikipedia says Lewis already plays for us!! Who's been messing around?
My further goodness! Lewis is nephew of Ken Mulhearn, who I can remember playing for Manchester City and Stockport County. Good keeper too. That would do for me.
Sorry! Grandson, not nephew. Still genetically close enough for me. Get him in. Did well in the play offs and the League Two season last time. Good one if it comes off as easily as on Wiki.
Wow that's a name from my childhood.. Shrewsbury Town I think, stood out cos of his grey hair took some stick. Must be knocking on now
The replies on that twitter thread sound like they could have come straight from here. Almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
I have watched him 3 times now. He has grown in confidence and is starting to put some good performances in senior football. His first league match is away to FC United of Manchester. Lovely ground and large crowds. See how he copes then but so far one for the future. Who number 1 is now at the Reds - ?