Not been on here much today so… thought I would cheer you lot up and create another poll! Obviously you know my answer!
I’ve voted no, because like Brexit, there are no details of any viable alternatives. Also, let’s not forget we don’t yet know the full details/outcome of the current situation.
I’m just trying to gauge peoples opinions, no agenda here. no but it’s a shame love the idea of 10 year season tickets for a quarter of a million.
Ok but you must attach certain conditions upon approval to any change of ownership, to make sure that we end up with "better" owners than the current ones. Otherwise your idea of what's best for our club, in voting for a change, involves sheer unadulterated blind potential wipe out risk. If you put summat up for sale on ebay, it's the price that matters. But we the fan base are not bothered about the price. We're bothered about who buys it. Hence the question being too general.
Voted no as there isn’t any way to quantify what benefit we’d gain or who would come in. I’ve also get to see any evidence of anything to suggest to current regime, at least the current iteration of it, is to be concerned about. They seem ok to me. Though it’s probably a poorly worded question anyway as the club probably is for sale already. Most are. If someone comes in and offers enough they’ll sell it. In fact if the people at the top of the table were to be offered enough to cover what they’ve put in I think they’d snap the buyers hands off.
No more than it’s up for sale, anyway. We just want the rogues gone. & I suspect to all intents & purposes, they already are. & in case the penny hasn’t dropped yet, that will be Khaled’s big news when the time comes to announce it. & it might be exciting, who knows? Remember, he also has gaffers to keep sweet. Anyway. Selling the entire stock wholesale makes no sense & is just inviting more trouble. Like a Chinsari & the like. Plus, why wind yourself up about something you can’t do anything about?
I’d rather we were owned 100% by the Crynes again or at least took over by a single entity with links to the town than be owned by countless investors from here there and everywhere, but the chances of that ever happening are more than very unlikely sadly.
Too wide a question. On the surface I’d say yes there loads worse so you’d have to know the who to give a reasonable answer
We didn't know how lucky we were before this lot came in. We were at least stable and treading water, now we really don't know where we'll be in a year or two or even if we'll still exist. I for one didn't welcome Conway et al with open arms...