Apropos of nothing Ian, isn't it sad to think that three out of the four original members of Nazareth are gone? Dunfermline's finest!
Pete Agnew the original bassist ,and surviving member , brother Jim used to work for Barnsley Council and on retiring moved back up to Fife to a bungalow Pete bought for him . I think it’s Petes son who now plays drums in the band . Pete’s first bass is in Dunfermlines library museum
I am a HUGE fan even though all their best stuff was released before I was even born. In fact, my first knowledge of them was Come Dancing around 1983. Just read their book on holiday and I thought they had disappeared during the whole of the 70s when in fact they were constantly touring America with Ray Davis’ latest brand of ‘theatre’ which never caught on with the UK market.
I love the Kinks. My old band occasionally used to do our own, off kilter version of Lola as an encore... I could just about pull off the guitar parts at the time, (nearly 30 years ago). Think we occasionally did Tired for Waiting for You too... Late 60's to about '73 their best period for me, but they did some classic R&B cuts earlier, which are probably more their hits to the mod crowd. Interesting band with the sibling rivalry of Ray & Dave was creative & destructive in equal measure.
They were, quite simply , a nineties band of the 60’s. Sir Ray is a genius but you’re right about the sibling thing
Watched them last night. I've always been aware of them due to the hits and being a fan of The Who & The Jam. Brilliant stuff and as far as the "brotherly love" I get the impression that it was/is Ray being a bit of a knob.
He did admit that he was very difficult to work with. But without Ray there would have been no Kinks.
On the subject of relationships, didn’t Davies get it on with Chrissie Hynde ? Any other rock celebs do the same ? Clapton , Fleetwood Mac , All Saints and Marianne Faithful aren’t eligible