Main news item on BBC news is of a toxic work environment at the fast food outlet. Sounds rife. Just wondered if anyone on here has experience of working in a place like that. Can't just be McDonalds though surely?
They employ a lot of 16 and 17 year olds. I've heard experiences from relatives of friends and also my niece (who soon left), that they also employ a number of people who perhaps shouldn't be working with 16 and 17 year olds, or at best need training in how to be a civil, respectful human being.
I know a few people have worked at McDonald's and some will still do and their experiences are completely different to each other. 1 was regularly told to start work and then sent home an hour later because there wasn't enough work, one put in complaints of bullying a few times and said that only resulted in more bullying from other employees AND the supervisor, one said the supervisor regularly shouted at them and one said it was the best job they'd ever had and that McDonald's couldn't do enough for them and it's a job they'd love to have forever. I know more but they're the standout ones. What I noticed was that the young lads complained of being treated worse, the 'plainer' looking lasses were treated meh and the good looking girls say they were treated amazingly.
There must be loads of CCTV in the kitchens so must be evidence other than he said, she said. Hope they throw the book at the individuals and give the parent company a massive fine, franchise model or not.
My daughter had a similar experience with the sending home because its not busy zero hours contract BS when she worked in a Marstons Pub. She played the reverse uno card and told them she wasn't working one Bank holiday, as she was going to a festival (bearing in mind she'd worked Christmas day both years she'd worked there), they had the audacity to tell her she "had" to be available - even though once in work they could send her home as they had done before. She pointed out she wasn't asking for time off, as she had a zero hours contact she was merely telling them she wouldn't be available and they could stick their "had" to work where the sun don't shine. I can imagine if you've got responsibilities - mortgage/kids, etc, its a real tool for bribing and bullying staff in all kinds of ways.
Worked there for 3 years whilst at uni. Personally found it pretty much as expected. Biggest annoyance was probably regularly being 45 minutes into a shift and managers putting you on your break to come back to 7 hours left. So glad I get to choose when I’m on my dinner break now. I have heard a few discriminatory stories from some stores though.
I understand zero hour contracts in certain situations and they do have their place. We have someone on a zero hour contract with us at work and it's because he is an essentially retired bloke who, if we know we have a particularly busy day coming up we give him a call and ask if he's available. He's under absolutely no pressure to say yes and if he's unavailable we just call an agency if needed. So they work where they work but it's extremely limited scenarios and for me they HAVE to come with complete flexibility from the employer. I'm not sure why but I was a little shocked when I was in Tesco last week and I heard a manager or supervisor walking round asking staff if anyone wanted to go home because there wasn't enough work for them all. I honestly would have expected Tesco to have actual contracts with hours in them. One law that I would make regarding zero hours contracts, or indeed any contract, is that if an employer asks an employee to work on a set day then it MUST come in the form of written notice with the amount of hours for that day on it. If it's too quiet and they're not needed tough, they get paid for the hours on the notice/rota.
I see your point. It can be utilised in a controlled manner, but i think a lot of companies abuse it and proper milk it to the bare bones. It really is dehumanising when you're looking for job security and you just get fobbed off by these greedy, so-called agencies
Except that we're living under the most right wing government in my lifetime. And still there are those who wish Starmer to drop the fiscal discipline and indulge their dreams of an unelectable socialist utopia which the voters of this country will never go for. Winning is everything if you want things to change.
Used to know a lad via mutual friends who worked at McDonalds near Asda. First time I met him he told me he was a chef in local restaurant, so naturally as you do I asked where... Nothing wrong whatsoever with earning a living at Maccies, but 'chef' is pushing it a bit! I guess he was embarrassed about it which is a bit crap.
The thread wasn't really about that Mr Kaht but seeing as you turned it into a fiscal discipline thread I'll post my anti-Starmer comment a few days early. There's fiscal discipline, commonsense, loyalty to values, willingness to tell the truth and not backtrack and willingness to accept other people's views without banning them from the party. Just saying. And the person who told you to off on another thread WAS out of order but your condescending, sound-bite patronising attitude to all things non-Starmer will result in people getting pissed off mate. You're a good bloke Im sure but people who disagree with you aren't all pro-Tory, they don't disagree with comments about financial circumstances and they don't all think that a socialist utopia is round the corner. Comments you make are sometimes on the belittling side. Needs saying. We can disagree of course..... P.s. Just to show I love you really any tips for Saturday?
My youngest daughter got her self a part time job at Dominoes whilst at college. She’s on a 4 hour contract but works more, but what they do is fetch you in on until required, some days she will do 10 hours others 1 and everything in between.
Minimum 4 hours a week, she does on average about 20. But her shift will say start at say 5 until required.
You know that ‘fiscal discipline is a completely made up concept don’t you that’s absolutely meaningless in economic terms. Any economist will laugh you out of the place if you use it. As Portes said in The Independent kindergarten economics from people who don’t understand money. A fiat economy can never run out of money. All choices are political choices. I suspect we will find the money to continue to arm Ukraine (twice as expensive as removing the 2 child policy). Anyone who repeats this economic illiteracy really should have a word with themselves. As economists as diverse as Portes and Murphy have said anyone spewing out this nonsense should be nowhere near the levers of power as they don’t understand how money in a fiat economy works All Labour are doing is making excuses for their political choices of austerity and privatisation. I’d much rather they just state they believe in those things than lying to gullible people about fiscal responsibility Fiscal Discipline = austerity. Tories have killed 300000 wonder what Kid Starvers scores will be after a few years. Starmer is to the right of Sunak on many issues. can you images Less Eating and Kid Starver post WW2 when our financial position genuinely was precarious. We would have no NHS