So off the back of a rumour off twatter the following have become the accepted facts. Kitching is now a judas for refusing to train and because of his behaviour should be made to train with the reserves. Ditto Styles. We're going to sell them at half what they're worth like we always do. The club has waved the white flag. This has become the standard BBS thread. How about we wait and see what actually happens and then comment on that? For what it's worth I'll happily cash in on Styles but Kitching....I'd want a LOT of money for.
Don't believe Kitching would do that, for a second. Doesn't seem his personality. This just screams a fan unhappy with the board trying to whip up anger - happens nearly daily now. About 1% of actual rumours turn out to be true regarding BFC, the overreaction is ridiculous - though I think we should be used to it by now!
Did you lot learn nothing from Wildergate.? The usual suspects giving oxygen to the usual unsubstantiated borrocks. Seriously, if you ever get called for jury service, somehow get out of it..
You've got a new found swagger since you got that new bus service I do agree though, criticising players off the back of a rumour is mad.
It’s complete bs that styles has refused to train as he’s trained all week. I also sincerely doubt he ‘refused’ to play - he’s been back in training for only a week after a longer international summer so I hugely doubt it is on his planned schedule to play a game as quickly. Connell hadn’t played up until yesterday. Kitching was at the game by all accounts - missed it due to a training knock. They both might leave and they both might be desperate to get a move sorted - but we have no grounds whatsoever to question their professionalism. Styles played at the beginning of last season, he wanted a move but he trained and played. Why would it be any different now? Seems far fetched.
Unless a recognisably trustworthy or authoritative source confirms any of this I'm calling it all fabricated twaddle. AFAIK and admittedly that's not a lot, Kitching had a knock in training and Styles is on a very different trajectory to other players because he only resumed training last week after international duty. Iseka was also missing wasn't he? Where was he then - getting Collins' groceries?
People don't realise how many clubs have enquired about our players... nearly all of them, even Cole, Wolfe, Russell, Shaw, Cotter for example. It doesn't mean that they are going anywhere.
Probably the same dickie bird that said that Josh benson had kicked off with Schopp, when in fact he missed a game because he had Covid.
Why do people think that because a players just signed a new extended contract that he's less likely to leave have they forgotten about the release clauses that get inserted into players and coaches contracts if Coventry or any club meet the clause Kitchen will be gone and there's nothing the club can do to stop it, and as for saying we should ask for £5 million unless that's the release figure (which it won't be) the club can ask but there's absolutely no chance they'll get it. The problem is every club knows we allow release clauses which aren't set so high that it becomes a block to players leaving so they meet the clause offer higher wages and the players gone and Barnsley FC can do sod all about it. Same with head coaches. That's why after every successful season we end up having to start all over again there is never any forward momentum
I have just read this thread for the first time & why am I not surprised that the usual subjects believe every rumour which suggests bad news , it really sticks in my throat Styles is suddenly public enemy number 1 with Kitchen now in the naughty corner ,all based on a twitter rumour & whats more I can predict with confidence which posters are going to come on & jump all over this thread as if it is fact , well heres a fact Kitchen is playing tonight , sorry to dispel the refusing to play theory , really it is getting beyond pathetic with some on here .