Exactly this, don't understand why folk are questioning it. They are a private, select company who chose their clients. They've obviously decided they've had enough of the odious twonk. Its not personal I'm sure they would close accounts held by Tommy Robinson and Gary Glitter too, if they had them. We have a client, multi millionaire, landed gent type, quite regularly gets a case of very good Red from Coutts, with their thanks. That'll be why he's miffed, less free booze.
You could argue that - a bank is a business but Id say the same thing. If he has funds and maintains his account I'd be inclined to accept him. The rider I would have is if his actions/statements brought the bank into disrepute or caused it to explicitly lose support or customers. I know what you mean though. The guy is a nasty piece of work. If I were a piggy bank made of porcelain I wouldn't like to have owt to do with him. I think we slightly disagree though on balance. Cheers.
With you here. I'm not aware of laws which force a company to do business with absolutely anyone. And rather telling that (I believe) seven other banks have refused to have anything to do with him. Banking is a commercial agreement between a company and a person/body corporate. It has to be by agreement. So he has no 'right' to compel Coutts to enter into/remain in business with him. (And by the way, he's a tw4t!)
Has anyone in this process asked him about the lies he told about Brexit, and how those same lies have damaged this country, its workforce, it’s economy and where the £365 million for our NHS has actually gone, besides Johnson’s and his mate back pockets??? no. Thought not. So someone go out and do it. He’sa fekin liar just like the rest of the nazzi party that have been in charge for 13 years…
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/23111479/rod-liddle-britain-beacon-free-speech-nigel-farage/ It's going to run and run. Even the PM has given his opinion. One side saying the bank can do whatever they want. The other side saying it's the kind of thing China does with free speech.
Rod Liddle is an odious pr1ck. Funny how he's on Farage's side here but supported the bakers who wouldn't bake a cake for some gays. He's also previously written some proper paedoy stuff. Citing an article from him published in the Sun is the very bottom of a very shitty barrel.
There are always going to be individuals and organisations that are not allowed to have bank accounts. I can't imagine that it would be popular if Coutts allowed Vladimir Putin or National Action to open accounts. So there is always a limit. I can also imagine spending your entire working life promoting a policy that cost every bank in the UK a fair bit of money would make you unpopular with said banks - especially when you don't have enough money for them to recoup any of their losses.
Not a fan of Farage but with things like these I think it's all well and good until it happens to you. Don't really want to see a society develop where people aren't allowed access to basic services because they hold a particular political view.
He was on Newsnight last night , less than convincing faced with another guest who had read the report he kept quoting and told him exactly why the account was shut
I don't understand how he gets the air time. Contested umpteen local and general elections - and he's got the same number of political victories as I have. Absolute irrelevant person.
Maybe. Elected to everyone's favourite parliament, the European Parliament. Anyone who denies he had no influence on Brexit is being disingenuous. Like him or not, he clearly represents a lot of people. Like I say, he's not for me, but then find me a politician that is.
But the story backing him up is in the Daily Mail and there is no way they would misrepresent things I genuinely dont know the facts in this story. One thing I am sure about is had say Jeremy Corbyn had an account at that bank and it had closed it and told him to bank at the Nat West instead with the plebs we would have had a very different media reaction .It is very annoying that this is getting so much air time and keeping real news which is not so good for the Tories out of the headlines
When the vast majority of the population can't open an account with Coutts because they have insufficient funds or income I'm not sure you can class a Coutts bank account as a basic service. Meanwhile, in the world most of us inhabit, not one high street bank has a presence in Penistone or Holmfirth. I understand Farage was offered an account with Nat West, who own Coutts, but this isn't good enough for this so called man of the people.
Just read 'Lucky Lupin' by Charlie Mortimer - his father Roger wrote a series of books about his son who he called Lupin. (for some reason he called his daughter Lumpy.) Anyway, one night when at Eton Charlie and his schoolmate bobbed off to London - ended up in a brothel - when it came to paying for services they tried to pay with a Coutts cheque to which the ladies in question replies - 'Sorry dear no cheques, not even Coutts ones.' Hey-ho!