Government apologises to LGBT+ veterans for past Armed Forces gay ban - calling it an appalling failure. Until 2000 it was illegal to be gay in the forces. Many thousands discharged - many prosecuted in the Courts.
It’s crazy that it’s taken so long and so many have been wronged. Society has moved on ( mostly) so much. My one hope is all this gender neutral/fluid nonsense fades out imho it’s totally ********
No irony it’s made up nonsense in my opinion gay straight bi whatever no issue but there are 3 sexes Female, Male and Trans the they/them stuff is made up ! My opinion of course but pretty sure it’s backed up by millennia of science. Of course folk can be addressed how they want to be addressed but getting offended and having a meltdown is crackers, of course you will never be 100% sure someone is part way through transitioning but for some it’s just a statement that’s become fashionable
Actually there's only 2 biological sexes. Gender on the other hand is another matter. Sooner we get rid of sexist stereotypes and people can dress, look and behave how they choose without ridicule or hostility, the better.
Couldn't agree more though I've added a wee caveat *those who chose to wear blue and white vertical striped shirts are excluded - they can still be pillocked
I've worked with and been around LGBT groups for over 10 years now and the only meltdowns within these communities I've ever seen have been from people who were attacked for their gender identity or facing people deliberately using the wrong pronouns to upset them. And by meltdowns, I mean emotional breakdowns because they're being bullied for trying to be comfortable in their own skin. The number of meltdowns I see from straight cis gender people on this subject on the other hand... My questions to anyone criticising gender identity like this is: How does it actually affect you?
REPORT INTO TREATMENT OF GAY SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN. It heard shocking accounts of homophobia, bullying, blackmail, sexual assaults, "disgraceful" medical examinations, and conversion therapy. It makes 49 recommendations to the government including: Affected veterans to be given an "appropriate financial reward" capped at £50m overall The restoration of medals that had to be handed back on dismissal or discharge The clarification of pension rights The presentation of a special veterans' badge.
How many were dismissed for being gay. Do we have a figure. The Special veterans badge I would imagine to display they were wronged. ?. It's been a long time coming. Sadly lots will have passed on. But at least it may provide comfort for their families.
just googled it and come up with a figure of 20,000 ! Some were booted out just on suspicion of being gay - reported by 'friends' - or for receiving letters from same sex friends. Men who didn't behave in a 'manly' way. (whatever that is!) Wonder how many of the 'gay-hunters' were themselves gay? All this less than 25years ago!
Its more nuanced than that. *Most* people are either male or female, but around 1-2% of each have characteristics of the other sex. This can range from having the "wrong" chromosomes (Swyer or De La Chapelle Syndrome, or more complex like XXY, XXXY, etc), to having parts more normally belonging to the other sex (like Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome, where a male is born with a uterus and other female internal organs or a woman born with testes - like Caster Semenya). Or missing/underdeveloped parts (micropenis or vagina agenisis). The exact numbers of each are unknown, with many only finding out after undergoing medical tests later in life. Its complex. Very, very complex. And that is before you get into advances in medical research. I am 90+% certain that someone born male will undergo a uterus transplant and carry a pregnancy to term within my lifetime. And someone born female will have a penile/testicular transplant and father a child by the end of this century. In 1-200 years, your gender and indeed your sex will be changeable within your lifetime and we will finally have true equality.
I don't care what anyone is doing really and there's no meltdown from me. But just out of interest what's your opinion of the gender nuteral/non binary children's books aimed at kids as young as 3?
I think kids as young as 3 can take on board information and start to learn respect and understanding. The older we get the more set in our ways we become. I want my daughter (coming up to 3)to have an understanding and respect for differences in people. I think it'll set her up for life in the real world. I just don't buy the, very American Christian, argument that this kind of education on gender is brainwashing our children. The truth is usually opposite: education is stopping the parents from brainwashing their children into being straight/devout Christian/science deniers. It's centuries old controlling behaviour and there's always a hot button topic that adults are freaking out about and using children as an excuse to try and cancel. Evolution, abortion, homosexuality, gender, climate change. There's always something. I'm completely open to hearing what your concerns are though.
Thanks for replying some very good points. I only ask this question really as a few months back I walked into a book store in town and noticed a few in a section, I thought do kids really need to be reading or have things like this read to them. I got home and goggled it and there's quite alot of non binary/ gender nuteral books aimed at kids as young as 3. I get the argument for kids been educated to be understanding. But I'm just not sure kids as young as 3 need to know about the non binary stuff. Maybe I'm just old fashioned. I see alot of things especially lately where I think has the world gone mad and if we question it we're portrayed as not understanding or homophobic, racist etc