Maybe we are better not knowing what our fellow BBSers look like ??? To (mis) quote Bagehot (Royal Commentator) ''the BBS needed mystique'' - “Its mystery is its life,” he wrote “We must not let in daylight upon magic.”
Haha! Nice one, Mr BigLil. Have to concede my drinking habits might rival the good Father, but there ends any other similarity (honest!) As an aside, self and Lady Kaht were on holiday in Murcia in June 2011 when we spotted Frank Kelly staying at our hotel with his (Irish) family. Although he was out of character his face was absolutely unmistakable. He appeared a nice family man (grandad, by the looks). We didn't dare approach him to tell him how much we liked Father Ted for fear we'd get a chorus of "****, arse!" etc! By God it was hot in Murcia. We vowed never to go to Spain at that time of year again, although I gather it's even hotter at the moment!