From Doug Full video on ifollow
What would you think if he said ' we will definitely go up this time make no mistake ? He hasn't been here two minutes give the bloke a chance,he's being realistic and will no dout do his best with the players he as.
Just calling it as I see it, a lot different from the day he first arrived….. this was underwhelming.
I dont think there's any negativity in that Chronicle interview. A positive attitude came across whilst also saying more building work needs to be done over time that's all. Guy seemed sensible enough to me.
Thought he spoke really well if I’m honest i just hope he’s given the tools he needs to work with because it still feels were playing catch up with only 2 weeks to go.
Also appeared on SSN: I think he speaks well. From what I saw against Hull the other night, it looked like a Michael Duff side, which is good in my opinion. Hopefully we can get a few recruits in. Watters and a big lump, attacking midfielder who can run with the ball, cover for left wing back and a centre back who can come straight in to the side. Some of these could be premier league/ championship loanees though so we might be looking at the end of August but as long as they’re the right player for us, suppose it doesn’t matter too much.
Comes across down to earth and realistic. Knows it's not going to be easy to replicate last season with the squad we currently have. Two new goalies and a new back 3.. will maybe need a bit of bedding in. No ones got a magic wand.. only hard work and two or three decent signings will stand us in any great stead next season. Even the players are asking for signings
Looking at the team we'll be reight, what i saw tues, i'd say wer in a lot better position than wer gerrin credit for, a decent Striker or two, Title contenders.
Good interview,nothing negative in what I listened to. 2 strikers close and a couple of other players not far off.When the signings are complete I'm sure one or two will change their tune.
Can't see owt negative in that. The aim for the season is to improve on the last. So that's promotion. Where's the negative?
Personally, I think it's a good first interview. He's quite dour - which is a Scottish trait - but he talked a lot of sense and I feel he's managing expectations which Duff did as well early on in his tenour. Looking forward to seeing how the team develop over the course of the season and there were some promising signs from the friendly on Tuesday night.
Dont bank on that mate, some will find summat to moan abart. I don't have to name names but I think we all know who they are,
Liked the interview. he seems like a good man. I'm excited at seeing him he pushes us in from last season. a left field appointment for sure but Khaled has a good recruitment record. The one thing that struck me re NC v mickey long haul is that Neill seems to have an affinity with the area (as does JS, clearly). He speaks fondly of the area. He seems to feel a inner tion with the club. whilst I really rated MLH as our best manager since DW Mark1, I actually never thought he showed a connection with the club. In his head we were clearly just a stepping stone. This new guy seems different in that regard. Proof of the pudding and all that but I have a good feeling....