Is it only me that was irritated by the news coverage? 3 seconds about locals losing their homes and all their possessions followed by interminable tripe about a load of Brits having their holidays spoilt. Our media is becoming more like America's by the day.
Agreed. By all accounts the locals were great at evacuating the tourists too. Awful for those who've lost their homes and livelihoods.
I finally went back on Twitter earlier for the first time in a long while, after avoiding it due to sheer idiocy, and I saw someone post something similar to what you've written, Brush. I read some of the comments and one of the most liked was "because the british news is about british people & it's interests" Just shook my head in disbelief.
But it is and always has been. I'm not arguing that it's right that it is or that it should be, but the statement "because the british news is about british people & it's interests" is factually correct. Although you could probably substitute British for English and remain factually correct most of the time.
It has always been like that, unfortunately. Tsunami in Indonesia years ago- coverage due to tourists.... natural disasters in Pakistan and Bangladesh over recent years, next to nothing. If the victims aren't white Brits our media isn't interested.
Just got back from Rhodes last week,.the fires had already started and were being reported on local news but nobody seemed too concerned. I drove through Kiotari and Lardos where is most affected and saw nothing, strangely enough! The fire must have spread so quickly. Such a shame for such a beautiful many locals displaced, so many businesses interrupted in the height of their busy periods, so much wildlife harmed.
Plenty on the news about it, it's not like there getting brushed aside like the unrest in France or the anti lockdown protests a while back.
Someone from government saying this morning that his heart goes out to the tourists having to cut their holiday short or have it cancelled, no mate my heart goes out to the locals that’s lost everything. Holidaymakers are suffering a pain in the backside inconvenience but nothing like what the locals are losing.