Watched it yesterday and must say I enjoyed it - Cillian Murphy was superb and many members of the cast were also excellent - Tom Conti (edited)as Einstein, Robert Downey JR ! Masterpiece ? Not quite ... but very good. The Scorsese film due out in autumn looks class
Your right about the cast, loads of good actors,didn't realise Tom Courtney was in it or Gary Oldman one of my favourite actors, I must see it again in hi max when all the rush as died down. And will be looking out for the Scorsese film, thanks for the heads up.
Hiya mate, so the gent at the cinema explained that this is how it was originally shot and how Nolan intended it to be watched. It is a direct copy from the original film instead of digitised so gave a better quality image than IMAX. He also advised that the sound was set up to the the exact level and pressure that it should be to give the full experience of how Nolan intend.. Ive probably misquoted or got something slightly wrong there but it was genuinely brilliant last night. Hopefully someone else on here will have been and may be able to remember more of what was said to elaborate further.
Absolutely amazing film. Saw it on imax on Sunday. You could pick apart some aspects of it, but on the whole thought it was a nuanced interpretation of the subject and subject matter. Brilliantly paced too. I'd recommend listening to this podcast if you are going to see it and want the benefit of context
All credit to Rob Younger of the Parkway. Not only did he manage to get hold of one of only three copies of the film in the country, he set up the equipment in the Odeon Leicester Sq for the premier. He kept cinema alive in the town too. One of Barnsley’s finest. Well done mate.
Been to Parkway to see the 70mm version this evening with my wife and daughter. Stunning and beautiful film on a complicated subject, engrossed from the first minute. Rob, the owner of the cinema, gave a little preamble prior to the film starting about the cinema, his history with it and also how he managed to convince Universal to give him the 70mm reel whilst down at Leicester Square. The last film I watched at what was the Odeon, I think, was Jurassic Park. As an aside, had a meal from Khao New Thai Cafe in Market Kitchen, absolutely top drawer.