800 million in debt sez the Cron... thank f'erk the world's ending so we do don't have to pay that b'oll'oks back..
Councils across the country have clocked up around 100 billion in debt with Croyden Council sitting on top with 2.4 billion. Council budgets cut over last few years have greatly impacted on this. Many have increased massively since Covid has many councils had to dip their reserves to keep things going. Putting things into perspective country is just the 2.5 trillion in the red
Plenty worse. The Yorkshire Live website has a poll up asking people if they have confidence in Kirklees Council and 95 percent have said no. A few weeks ago they emailed staff on a Friday afternoon (worst possible time for bad work news) that they need to cut 750 jobs. Barnsley Council are doing much better.
Councils are always in debt. They borrow to pay for all kinds of things, mainly capital projects. Given the amount of investment in the town centre, etc. it's hardly surprising. Even then, the £800m figure only makes any sense if you can compare it with previous years. Only then can you consider whether alarm bells should be ringing.
they've wasted a shed load of money on "road improvements" pennypie park all you're doing is moving traffic quicker between bottlenecks, town end roundabout and m1 roundabout and the abortion that they've turned cundycross into is a joke you can be sat there with the lights at red and fek all traffic coming the other way
I’m guessing a big chunk of that is still from the school building programme a few years ago , wasn’t it £1 billion on new schools
that's spot-on. (I know there's more to the Council than buildings etc.) But all my relatives and friends who pick up their passports and visit Barnsley are rightly very impressed with the place. Whoever does the planning is doing an excellent job. New/re-developed buildings sit well with the 'old' properties and the topography of the town is used to its best advantage.
My friends visited last year and were also impressed - quite a few using Barnsley as the way forward in terms of town planning etc
It would help if the Government chucked a few pennies INTO the begging bowl instead of habitually stealing from it.
Saw a clip of the ginner labour woman on sky last weekend saying like it or not ULEZ is coming all over the country. Now call me an old sinic, but wouldn't it be a good time for the council to say we need to bring it in to keep up with services..of course for the good of everyone. After all this time knocking this debt up..it seems awfully coincidental for it to come to light when ULEZ is in the news.. Let's see what comes down the pipe.