I’ll cut you some slack cos I know you’re recovering from an operation… but it’s Friday Night and they’re making an announcement. That is the thing and the whole of the thing.
That still means nowt to some of us. Gripe. I don't understand why twitter and facebook users get preferential treatment when it comes to breaking news. If its ready for release then release it to the website at the same time.
Don't see the need for that first load of boll0x. Just announce the news when it's ready. All this teaser nonsense it's very childish.
Cos when they put owt out I get prompts Don't do facebook, twitter media so don't know when they put owt on there.
**** me, we moan when they don't communicate then we moan when they do, even if this did require a bit of lateral thinking
When the tweet was posted the website did have the info, cos the tweet is literally a link to the article...