I think i speak for every Reds fan when i say - THANK YOU - lads ,it looks absolutely brilliant and great not to forget our founder.
Is there a story as to how he came to be buried in London rather than Barnsley? And yes, I know it's because he died
I think he only lived in barnsley for about 7 or 8 years before moving to London for the next 35 or something like that and he worked in Islington where he's buried.
Well done! Islington (and St Pancras) Cemetery is on High Street East, FINCHLEY. Anyone visiting should go during office hours when you can get directions from the Cemetery Office - huge cemetery - Preedy grave not easy to find.
The cemetery is called Islington, Saint Pancras. But it’s actually in Finchley, 4 miles north. I helped tend the grave a couple of times too, when I lived local. Not to the extent those lads did it later though..