Aye,when average weekly wage was about £20 per week. Those wine prices probably seemed quite expensive at the time. Trick would be to have a time machine and travel back to 1972 with your 2023 salary
No it's not, the Bordeaux is a shilling more. I'd plump for the Yugoslavian Riesling, nice and dry, peels the roof of your mouth off....
Dan Dare, Quatermass,The Vegans. There you are, they were hiding in the science fiction section in the 70's.
I believe that’s from about 1972, and having had a quick look, average wage was £36 for a manual worker over 21, and £1 then would be worth £16.88 now. So whilst it wasn’t expensive it wasn’t really cheap either. Conversion at the rate makes the 77p steak and chips £12.99 in todays money. About that, maybe less actually, in Wetherspoons including a pint of ale or glass of wine, and even less with a soft drink! I know wethys isn’t exactly posh but we’re talking about Berni Inn! An 8oz rump cost me just over a tenner in a Greene King boozer the other week. No bread roll or free ice cream for afters mind! EDIT it also makes it £20 for a bottle of Liebfraumilch. Wow…
You’re showing your age ( and mine ) ! Dan Dare and Quartermass were quite a bit earlier weren’t they ?
The Mateus Rose is two shillings more than that. The Chianti is more, but is a large caraffe. Standards of analysis on here are awful.