Cash is in your pocket its yours, under your personal control. Numbers in your bank account are just that. To use them you are dependent on the bank, and on the internet. A failure of either and you're stuffed. Remember the financial crash and runs on banks? That was people desperate to turn their numbers in an account into cash in their pockets. Because they trusted cash more than numbers. Where's everybody going when there's another financial crash?
I prefer card - would always use that option above cash. But that's not the point - the point is that there should be that choice. To not give people the opportunity to use cash is nuts.
You've made that up. My bank account is with Nationwide and you can't pay cash into a nationwide bank account at the post office.
How does a thread about the paint job at Oakwell turn into a debate about cash and card payments in the ground. This board is incredible.
I haven’t made anything up. You can pay in cash to accounts to all major U.K. banks. The Nationwide isn’t a bank. It is the only major name which can’t pay in cash at post offices as well. Most of them you can also pay in cheques. For whatever reason the Nationwide only support withdrawal.
Dangerous misconception, everyone with a UK bank account has impartial, free and independent from state interference insurance of all deposits up to 85k. RE the card/cash debate, for the club it is sheer convenience, and anyone in this country can go to their bank with cash and it will be in their account and ready to use on a debit card within hours. I accept however that this is not an option for those whom may be a little loose with their declarations to various authorities- much like the Chinese restaurant that accepts cash only, the barber that gives you a discount for not paying card or the offie that sells cheap fags under the counter for a tenner. Regarding domestic abuse this a hugely complex area and I don't think anyone should assume that cash is safety to it's victims.
You’re not the first to register a minus on the social consciousness scale. But if you opened your privileged, white male eyes, you might overcome your ignorance & be a better person for it. How does a homeless person open a bank account without a home address? That may be a troubled youngster or a traumatised veteran. & that’s just one example. Reply when you have removed your head from the sand. That’s not aimed at you exclusively, you’re just being the most vocally ignorant.. Hope this helps..
It’s the privileged white male syndrome. If social issues don’t encroach on their perfect lives, they simply don’t exist..
Out of line here, Mr C. The Prince was just saying that it isn’t a generation thing whether you can use technology or not. He said he is ‘older’ but can use it just fine and that some people are ‘younger’ but cannot. His point is age is irrelevant.
There’s still no mention of other overlooked members of society, for whom cash is the only option. I made the point earlier, ST was the only one to respond with any degree of empathy..
You said 'you can pay cash into any U.K. bank account in any post office if you have your bank card on you' - I have one bank account and one bank card, with Nationwide, and I can't pay cash into my U.K. Nationwide bank account in any post office. It's an inconvenience, but what you've said isn't true.
Talking of ignorance The tiniest bit of research would show its not actually that difficult to get a bank account when homeless. Banks have specific accounts for that situation. Thats without talking about debit cards you can “charge up” with cash.
I hope they dont ask the manager what colour he wants his office painting they'd never get to the 4th wall