I like the way the Tories keep saying that Labour are in the pocket of JSO, as if they aren't doing the bidding of the vested interests that fund the Tory party.
I don't even see how it helps I the short term. Will take years to set up. They could put solar panels on the roof of every building in the UK quicker than they can set this up. Only people it helps short term are him and his bent mates who guaranteed will be making money out of it
I agree with this 100%. Everything about the way our political system works encourages short term, populist thinking. I am convinced we need to change the system.
There is also the possibility that the oil and gas will never go to the UK, I believe the current oil and gas goes abroad and then is sold back to the UK for an extortionate price. Who would have thought!
It doesn't sit at all right with me that the government have got all this money to use on green projects and instead of using it to make genuine progress on genuine green energy solutions they spaff it into the bank account of Shell and other fossil fuel companies to provide a 'solution' that has apparently never delivered what it promised anywhere it has been tried in the world. There must be a better way.
Am not being patronising but I genuinely think many people will still vote Tory because of issues like this. Climate deniers etc etc.. It will gain some votes. Sunak is partly appealing to the jobs/independence from control vote here.
Alternatives exist. Renewables particularly wind and medium term nuclear. It just allows the vested interests that generate policy for the tories to top us off even more. The tories have de facto banned wind which could have plugged any gaps. The Govts energy experts are telling them it’s s grave mistake but they plough on as the fossil fuel industry funds them. This is just blatant cash for influence. Any savvy none bent govt wouldn’t touch this with a barge pole. The 6 new licences would add 2.4% into supply and likely be exhausted by 2028. Wind would be just as effective in that time frame
planting more trees is just green washing. It’s both kit possible and a massive con. As someone working on Net Zero projects no one sensible thinks this is an answer.
I agree. But I do think its also a bung. It will also have some electoral appeal. Sunak isn't stupid even though he's a Tory. Some will lap it up as progress I think. Its not progress really and it doesn't achieve anything long term. It's also as you say a nod to the big companies. However, if it comes online quickly it will help in the short term I think. Hence my comment. Some have already said it wont which is fair enough.
I've just watched panorama about Tory Thurrock council borrowing a billion quid and losing it through fraudulent investments leading to massive cuts in public services. Guess how they voted in the 2022 elections. I'll tell you,,,,,,, f***ING Tory!
Actually it doesn't make any difference to the short medium or long term, any extra oil got from the North Sea will NOT be available at a cheap rate for us, all oil is sold for the same price globally so we might just as well buy any oil that we need on the global market. Not that we should buy any more oil, we should be investing in renewables. Any extra oil we produce won't significantly change the global price. Nett result is nothing, nada - except a global increase in CO2.....
Are you suggesting a cull? We could start in Downing Street and see immediate benefits... This graph shows where any cull should start.
China is far and away the largest consumer of primary energy, but I don't think we should be culling anyone. The Chinese people can't be blamed for their communist regime.
Panic vote winning tactic. Appeal to the working man who doesn’t want to entertain the idea of changing the way he/she drives the car.
China is also the largest consumer of renewable energy . Producing more from renewables than India (3rd largest in total energy use) generates in total. (2019 figures).