With the wealth that China has, I would argue that their investments in renewable energy are a convenient smokescreen for their more nefarious and damaging activities.
80% of our oil and gas is exported (sold on the global market). We are a nett importer of gas (from Norway) and we buy it from them at the market price. We also buy gas and oil from the Nort Sea at global market price.
I read somewhere that China has more installed wind power than the rest of the world combined. Around 40% of their total electricity output is green energy.
Significant amount of hydroelectric (three gorges dam, etc. although that has its own environment consequences). IIRC they are bringing something like 1 nuclear power station online every few months for the next decade.
China has a vested interest in going Net Zero. Roughly 400 million of its citizens live in a zone that is close to being incompatible with human life during the summer months. It set a record of 52.2C only a fortnight ago.
Not surprised, as chancellor and now as PM he's done quite a few things which have directly benefitted him and his wife's family businesses financially.
The Australian Govt ads are just brilliant. At least it shows that governments in other countries are just as fcking clueless and in the pockets of the fossil lobby as ours is.