Would have been nice of them to mention the fact BFCST funded all these trips including this years. (As well as the original restoration of the headstone etc that [mention]Gordon Ottershaw [/mention]and Molly organised).
These threads about Tiverton's grave are really lovely. They have made me think though about what the rev thought about the Barnsley accent. He was a Lincolnshire lad I believe so the move to Barnsley would have been quite a cultural shift. Then again, he went down to North London and the same would have happened after being at Barnsley. My point is... accents, dialects and cultures were more distinct back then. Just wondered what he thought.He obviously coped and fitted in.
Paul, I did mention the Trust and publicy thanked you all for the financial support. I did it in a tweet last week. This comment is somewhat uncalled for. The video is Matt's tribute to his brother, he came down with Gaz's son because it felt right. Fans are more than welcome to do the drive and the work if they wish.
Apologies I didn't see that. Just this branded eyup and down video across multiple channels. Obviously, fans also gave up their own time to raise the money for the various trips in the first place so thought that might have got a little mention as it's part of the story also. It was just a thought.
When you see this photo it makes you even more appreciative of the work them lads did to make it look great. Again well done lads and thank you.
If anyone goes looking, the children’s section is just left of that viewpoint. The multi trunk Yew (?) tree is quite distinctive..
Here's some photos of the original headstone, what it looked like before the Trust restored it and the end product. The photo of the base of the headstone is what I found and the photo was taken after I had pulled some leaves and branches out of the way. I searched for the grave for 2 hours with no luck, went back the following Saturday with the same result, but as I got back in the car I said I was going for one last look down where the badly scribbled map suggested it was. And it was exactly where the cross on the map said. I hadn't realised the cross had completely broken off. i just saw 2 Es peeping through some leaves and when I pulled them back, there it was. I went back a week later with Molly (Molly the something or other Cat on here) and some buckets and brushes and we cleared as much as we could. And then I arranged for a stonemason (dealing with these and the people in charge of the cemetery was not easy, I can tell you) to go and replace the cross and restore what remained. We tried to restore it as much as possible to the original state, except without the marble figure on the front. As I couldn't find any pieces of the figure I wondered whether the cross had been vandalised to take this. We considered a plaque, or adding something in recognition of the club, but the new cross stands out so much in that area of the cemetery that we didn't want to put something on it that could tempt more vandalism. We know who is buried there and what he did for the town, and that's enough. I just wish we had taken the original broken cross with us, as it might have been something worth showing in the museum. I made the mistake of asking permission, which was not granted, and then doing what I was told. Should have been a rebel! I've added (hopefully) a photo of the original headstone, a photo of what I found, one after we'd cleaned it up a bit and then one with the restored headstone. Despite my 4 hour search, the grave is quite easy to find, so if any of you plan to visit I'd be happy to send you a map of the cemetery and how to find it.
I'm going to have to pick up on a few points. Firstly Harry and myself covered our own expenses last Monday, the flowers, the scarf (which didn't arrive in time but I'll be taking back down in a few weeks), the cleaning products and some other stuff we chipped in for were all paid out of my pocket. All the food, drink, camera equipment, software etc were all supplied and paid for by myself and harry. We were there to represent our Gaz, we weren't there to represent the trust, the fans or the club that's why it would have been wrong of us to not contribute to the costs. I've watched the previous videos made about the yearly Preedy grave visit and I don't think the people (Gordon and Molly) you've mentioned were thanked and neither were other fans. Just the trust. I have no idea who these people are and what they have done so I'm not sure how or why I would have included them in a video about our Gaz. The video was released on Tykes TV for two reasons, our Gaz was a regular guest on that channel and not everyone uses Facebook and Twitter. Right then, back to making daft videos.