Maybe Collins was playing him to try and get him to change his mind? Can’t think of any other reason to play him if we knew he was off.
Then why would Collins keep playing him? I don’t agree with it but can understand the club wanting to cash in, but if they knew he was definitely going might as well have played Iseka
Prince Connor. I was particularly sad about that too. If he’d gone on to be brilliant & play more for Ireland, I wouldn’t have minded so much. The parade in Barnsley… They ended up in that pub on corner of Market & Shambles. He waved the promotion cup at us through the window. Pressed his hand against the glass so could have handshakes. Nice memories. I had my then dog with me..
Start a thread mate. Golden left boots of Barnsley.? I’d do it but am a bit of a stroke cabbage & my memory is a bit fcked.