Fair dos. But if he revealed the plans, then they fell through, do you think people would thank him, or criticise him for revealing plans before they had been signed off?
I’ve actually spoken to him recently, I managed to have a decent catch up with him and he told me he’ does very little social media now he’s in his 40s. He said he always did his best to help fans, he always tried to offer some insight , a bridge between club and fans if you like , But he started getting some right hammer off some folk ,obviously he wasn’t able to react or fight back., I’ve certainly known him long enough to know he doesn’t suffer fools. I get the idea he’d just had enough of trying to do the impossible. You’ve only got to look at the bbs most days to see why he stopped posting, I think it’s the best decision he made to be honest, I know for a fact he realises the club does good and bad stuff but he just got tired of trying to be the spokesman, He isn’t doing the job he once did, he’s doing well he’s managed to get himself a promotion a while back and I think there’s more pressure on him now, so trying to appease folk on here is the last thing he needs…he’s still gay tho
Well if you see if again, tell him those of us who don’t know him personally miss that insight and bridge building and are sorry that he’s felt like he’s had to make that decision.
The change of ownership and leasing out of Oakwell, which most people agree is the most likely to be the big news, is a huge transaction which will involve private individuals, a limited company and a Local Authority. Add to that 3 firms of solictors, 3 firms of accountants, HM Land Registry, HMRC and who knows how many other interested parties. It's not going to be done in five minutes, whatever the "I want it and I want it now" brigade think.
The big news thing was blown out of proportion by Khaled not anyone else. Don’t blame the fans. Maybe it’s time you and the other usual suspects just admit that the board are probably not what they claim to be. the “big news” thing was a ploy to get bums on seats. It’s less than 48 hours before the first game and we still haven’t heard this amazing news. It’s been an absolute shambles. Don’t come at me about Wembley either - that was last season and a brilliant one at that. I’m talking about the events afterwards. What an absolute joke. I cannot believe I am at this stage in my life where 1) I haven’t bothered getting a season ticket after 30 years nearly on the trot and 2) I am not even remotely arsed about missing any of it!
Khaled shouldn’t have mentioned it at all IMO. I’ve said that many times. But he did, and I wouldn’t expect my 9 year old to react how some people have. Don’t really know what you mean by ‘you and the usual suspects’ like. The board aren’t perfect, I’ve called them out on plenty and I’ve been the biggest critic of Conway. But fair dos. As for close season, I’ve also shared loads of concern. I predicted from around January that Duff would be off if we missed out in play-offs. I criticised the lack of comms around Duff leaving and recruitment. I’m guessing you missed all that though. However I still believe most of the instability was created by Duff leaving and I think the Club did everything they could to prevent it. Entirely up to you if you get a season ticket or not. But whichever way you cut it, they put over £5m into the Club last season to keep it going and we very nearly got promoted. I think they deserve a bit more credit than they get.
And £2.5 million on the Penny Pie Park 'Freedom' Bridge! If the club need advice on building bridges they need only look to the Council!
good luck to him. I think his new role as striker come centre half will be ok. After all he was never a centre mid or ‘water carrier’. Beer maybe but you always got given the bill too.
Because he presumably wanted to generate some hope and enthusiasm. Not much hope of that when people are incapable of waiting for things to come to fruition. I've had a go at Khaled lots in the past especially on communication but this...this is just childish impatience. It's beyond pathetic.