So was Mads. Thrilled to be going, gutted to be leaving. It happens. Bet Nors isn't telling the Oldham fans he's gutted to be leaving Barnsley. I've been sad to leave nearly every job I ever had. But looking forward to the next challenge at the same time.
He says in that interview that he joined Oldham because they want to win the league, and he didn't feel that is the case at Barnsley this year.
He's burnt off all the Percy Turners now he's gunna be filling up on Betty's hotpot. I blame the flatbreads and naked strip rolls.
The board concerns me....look what CHAPLIN said ON BARNSLEY.. “My relationship with Barnsley and their fans was good. It’s an unbelievable one-town club. I just felt the fans were let down a lot of the time by the board and hierarchy. “It’s a buying and selling club. They don’t have a lot of ambition to be winning football games, challenging and bettering themselves.” Conor Chaplin, 2022.
as I stated before. Sign players from Asia. Advertise us around that area. Football is a different world to them lot. It will generate us money.
You can but try but if years in the state education system can't do it, I doubt it can be done on here.