At full time a man in a big works van sped down at a speed you should not be doing even if nobody was around. Someone taught him a lesson by putting through his wing mirror. The van guy actually stopped his van in the middle of the road to open his door and have a bairn about it.
We were just walking up as he was out of his van thinking someone must have said/done something. Knew he’d then put his foot down and speed down the hill. The speed some go down there on matchdays blows my mind. I mean, I wouldn’t go down it regardless but some it feels like they the pile down at about 20mph with people everywhere.
I saw him coming down, he was going too quick tbf, but there’s people just walking in the road 4 a breast, getting monk on that there’s traffic using the road.
It also states in the Highway Code that one should drive to the conditions. 30mph is the maximum if safe to do so.
Agreed. You can be when not if a serious incident occurs something will happen. It shouldn't take that though.
It also says that pedestrians should use pavements where possible so technically everyone is in the wrong
Historically there is more to it than that, in the 1920’s Britain had a big debate about Jaywalking and whether to make it a USA style offence. Our conclusion was that it was OK to cross anywhere provided you crossed at 90 degrees to the pavement, crossing diagonally was to be regarded as an offence. I have no idea what happened after that from a legal point of view.
But walking up Oakwell Lane after a Mach it’s not practical for everyone to be on the pavement. Too many people and too narrow a footpath. I still don’t know why it’s not closed to cars for 20 minutes at the end of the Match