Was he a striker during his youth days and later converted to a defender? He chests it down and hits a half volley, what CB does that.
I also thought that. A centre back that can do that is a bit of a rarity. I actually think he's a lot better footballer than some folk think. Interesting to see where he is two years hence. He reminds me a bit of Emlyn Hughes
The run from a LCB into that position is ridiculous. Nobody’s tracking that run, it’s impossible. Superb from Kitching for making it, and obscene from Kane in not only spotting the run but having the awareness and ability to execute that pass. Proper team goal.
If Kitching’s goal had been the only goal we’d have been raving about it for weeks, but there was so much going on today that it all gets a bit lost in the mayhem. It’s an early goal of the season contender. The run, the pass, the finish, perfection.
Absolutely brilliant. If Collins is coaching that type of stuff then things are looking promising. perfectly executed, the pass from Kane was sublime.
Emlyn Hughes idolised that Liverpool team in the late 70s European cups (proper ones) and league titles for fun. I really really hope the rumours re Kitch are total nonsense.
Best goal of the 7 by some distance. I thought the announcer had got it wrong though, what in earth was Kitching doing up there?
Only goal from a Barnsley CB which I can remember being that good was Aidie Moses hitting a volley from the edge of the area, absolutely flew in. Can’t remember who it was against though.