I just said the same, but let the female journos write it..? More being responsible for your actions. You can’t stop gobby, white men having their penneth, though..
She made a error and payed for it, end off. BTW the ball from the second penalty landed in my garden. Finders keepers rules apply.
I'm not saying it wasn't intentional. I'm saying that she will almost instantaneously recognise that event as the biggest mistake of her life. No one slating her on social media is really going to improve the situation.
It was an idiotic thing to do' you're never going to get away with it and all you've done is potentially play a major part in your team going out of the world cup' whilst i don't agree with the gutter press getting involved she deserves all she gets from Fifa and her team mates.
She didn’t even put much weight on it. A red card, but hardly violent.? I’m hoping sense prevails & she just misses the quarters..
Come on Mr C how is intentionally standing on somebody’s kidneys not violent! I suppose credit where credits due she wasn’t wearing alloy studs like we used to!
So did I originally but the rules are different here I just looked it up and any red card is an automatic 1 game ban - but this can be increased by the Disciplinary committee She might get away with a 2 match ban and be available for the final if we get there (Though we will have to play a lot better than we did today)
Hopefully the tabloids will realise how utterly pathetic their treatment of said players was. Hopefully they will realise it was a young lass, who made a single error of judgment in an intense pressure situation. Hopefully they will realise subjecting her to the same treatment would be a complete overreaction.
Just seen it, having been out all day, what stood out to me was.....well done to the Nigerian player for not rolling about like she'd been mortally wounded, if it had happened in the men's game the player would still be rolling around punching the ground.
Loved her interview afterwards made so little of it. “Was pleased she went off as a good player”, “I’m OK there’s no harm to my butt” or words to that effect.
Way worse than what Beckham did. I don't see her getting an effigy. Times have changed thankfully and people aren't as bothered about women's Football.