Or as the young un pointed our, we've also not lost after scoring first . I think that's right anyway?
I can't believe there's not more on here as positive as you and I are mate. I think overall it was a decent showing considering. Look who took our penalties for crying out loud. It's miles away from a first team selection!
Yeah apologies about calling Killip a w@nker on other thread. That was out of disappointment for effort they put in. To be be taken away like that. I felt for them. I really did.
Lots of positives for me tonight - we've a lot of good ones coming through - Lopata is also some talent. Strong and looks comfortable on the ball
They did well tonight off the pace for the first team but with good training some will break through, dubious on cotter some of his passes and first touches were off but again is a young player
They've played for the 1st team what a feeling that must have been and their family and friends will be so proud. That's what they are aiming for after all and not every club gives young lads a chance.
As soon as I saw the stat of Tranmere not winning at Oakwell in 28 attempts, I knew what would happen. Happens all the time.
and the goal by Aiden Marsh in the second half was the first equaliser Barnsley have scored at Oakwell since Herbie Kane.....