Thankfully, if you're not logged in to twitter, you no longer can see the comments. It's changed my life for the better.
Stupid all round really as the statement in the post is factually incorrect. I believe it was more powerful than any goal scored in the PL last season though so still a brilliant bit of triva. A few of those pens were sensational and the ones who missed for England in the Euro final by trying to bee too clever/fancy could learn a thing or two.
Yep i believe there were about 8 shots faster in the premier league last year but none of them resulted in a goal
Who the hell gets paid to record these things? I don’t think I’ve seen anything on the comparison of speed of a shot since the days of Peter Lorimer.
It’s the “show me the calibration certificate for the machine or I don’t believe it” people who are the same who don’t believe in human led climate change, or the misogynists who won’t accept that professional sportswomen are better at football than they are playing for the Dog and Duck.
I'm not disputing that it has a lot of Stupid repsonses, just pointing out the original statement is also factually incorrect. You're right "Twitter" and Facebook posts are full of stupid replies on pretty much every subject.
I can't see the stuff on twitter, but the Nigerian girl's rip snorter that hit the bar looked like the fastest shot in the whole competition.