I'd agree with every word you say. Just change 'Younger Generation' to 'Older Generations' and you've cracked it. I can't believe they are so patient with Older generations that seemed determined to **** up their future! In my day we would have been rioting on the streets!
People wearing 50k watches in Arab countries like dubai. No ones getting robbed of them crime rate very low. Wonder why.
In the early 90's I worked for Yorkshire Bank and the Richmond Hill branch in Leeds was the subject of an armed robbery 3 days in succession. I was there for the third one, as I was drafted in to run the branch, as the regular staff were all off due to stress.
I've worked with thousands of kids over 30 years and couldn't disagree more with this - no point seeing it with two eyes if they are closed. If they have their a**es wiped who has been doing that? Not them - that's our generation
I would recommend reading the book "Bullsh*t Jobs" - it talks about the moral effect of preparing young people for work that is meaningless on salaries that can never match the previous generations for buying power and then having the audacity to call them lazy.
This episode reminds me of the episode of Only Fools... where Rodney gives chase to the young man who stole the old woman's handbag (Batman & Robin ep). When he finally catches up with him, he bottles it, spins around, and the robber starts chasing him! I used to live by the park where that chase happens, and the wall where Rodders confronts him is by the Tesco I regularly frequented in lockdowns.
Worked in retail for a decade. We had one woman who used to steal mainly shoes, and would return them in immaculate condition 'without a receipt' for store credit. The Store Manager was a bit soft but one day he finally laid down the law.
My daughter worked in a Co-op local store near Brownhills (not far from the statue of the miner for those who've travelled to see the Reds at Walsall) and encountered people who openly and brazenly stole on a daily basis - the same people several times a week. They were that regular that they even knew the thieves names fgs! When challenged they generally laughed and occasionally threatened staff - threats of violence were worryingly on the increase. She was threatened with a knife twice and was pushed on multiple occasions. One scroat told her he'd be back at closing time to '"do her" (she rang me and I collected her) and that he knew where she lived. I'm relieved to say she no longer works in retail. The Coop CEO suggests it's rife: https://news.sky.com/story/dramatic...ff-abuse-at-co-op-shops-in-past-year-12928185
There’s a generation of local London kids who can’t afford to move out of their family homes. Property prices, rents & shortage of social housing, zero contract unskilled jobs. It’s symptomatic of what’s happened in London this last 40 years & there’s always going to be a rogue element of this disenfranchised generation. It’s when it gets violent, that my sympathy runs out..
Even if you were right (and you aren't) then wouldn't it be a damning indictment of the generation that raised them rather than the younger generation itself...?
This. If you take away people's future prospects you can't be shocked when they stop giving a **** about the present.
These "events" are driven by online social media; people trying to get clout. It looks quite scary, but really they are not very frequent. We've had very serous rights every 10-15 years, Bradford, Toxteth, London, etc - I don't see how its getting any "worse" then when they happened, and this certainly wasn't a riot in the sense of the examples I gave - where people burn stuff down and generally fight with the police. It's more like another example of the toxic nature of social media.
Congrats, young person biting here. I did have my arse wiped from day one... so did you. Think about it. Yep. I do want stuff. Like not having debt to get an education. Like being able to get and afford a mortgage. Like having decent living standards and not being ripped off by corporate interests poisoning the public sector. Anyway, must dash. I've got a nine hour shift soon on 60% of the value of the salary I'd have been paid in 1993. Better graft... it's a zero hours contract and they might not ask me back if I don't.