I generally use slang as the spoken word if it enhances a tale. Imagine kes. In proper english. Doesn't work. And I couldn't imagine those that know me writing/talking to each other in proper english either. I tone down in other places as the dialect can be too strong for others to get "what tha on abart" Examples of the Yorkshire dialect can be found in literary works such as 'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte and Charles Dickens' novel 'Nicholas Nickleby'. The reader will notice that in Broad Yorkshire, 'ye', 'thee' and 'thou' are used instead of 'you' and the word 'the' is shortened to t'.
That's what you are supposed to do - use all the available space and merge in turn. We British do like to queue though so if we see a lane closure indicated ahead we prefer to pull into the queueing lane, leave the one that's closing empty for a mile and then moan when other people do it properly. I must admit, I don't leave it until the last minute to pull in because of worries over people getting aggressive about letting me in. But I've stopped fretting about it when others do.
Easiest way to explain it is that this sign below shows the lane closed 800m down the road. If the correct way to drive was to move over to the first lane now then surely it would be closed now. Instead they're telling you that it's closed in a bit which means stay in it and move over in a bit which reduces the overall length of the queue by 800m
Coming back from Wembley on the coach. Near side lane was queuing for about 3 miles. (Snails pace). On the north circular wanting to get off at the turn off for the M1. Our driver drove down outside lane a a good rate. And came off at the same place nothing in the RH lane when the turn off turns into 2 lanes. Saved us a good half hr I reckon.
Whereas what really winds me up is when there’s a lane closing in half a mile, which shouldn’t affect me as I’m turning left in a quarter of a mile, but every bugger has moved into the left hand lane immediately and now I’m stuck in a massive queue. If they’d carried on as normal and ‘zippered’ in near the closure they wouldn’t have caused such a huge queue blocking the road for the entire half a mile and those turning left off the road could be gone and not causing the queue to snake even further back.
Rule 134 of the Highway Code tells you to do so (unless the road is basically empty and then it doesn’t matter if you move over straight away or if travelling at high speed for obvious reasons):
Strange you should mention sofas and coal prep plants; the first thing I noticed when I worked at Grimey were makeshift sofas everywhere.
It annoys me even more when people let them in. I’d happily make them sit in the other lane feeling like a tit for a few minutes but there’s always one nice guy who lets them in
Why would the person following the Highway Code feel like a tit rather than the person causing a blockage? Even if they have to wait a minute or two they’re still doing the right thing by not blocking the road higher up.
I saw a bloke in town the other week open a pack of cigs and throw the cellophane wrapper on the floor. He was actually stood at the side of a bin. In fact it was easier to put the rubbish in the bin rather than throw it on the floor.
I read it as being at the very last minute to the point of being dangerous, but yes I appreciate you're meant to merge and use the space.
Older people who use the phrase "With age comes wisdom" as if it's a law of physics, rather than a load of rubbish.
no, not that one but I do use the wrong homophones sometimes e.g. they're, their and there. Just four fun.