We always blood young uns in the Leage Cup and Pizza Cup. He only brought them on in the first game because we were 6-0 up. Don't think.it was anything to do with potential departures in my opinion. Ps That doesn't mean we won't lose a couple.
have to say Luca, Herbie and Adam phillips when he comes back are probably one of if not the strongest starting midfield line up in the division and we still have the likes of benson behind them i wouldnt be breaking up that midfields for anything this season just my thoughts on it
Agreed. & there’s definitely goals in that midfield. I hope Neill keeps them all involved, Val style substitutions..
I’d be very underwhelmed if I was a Bristol City fan and was told Kane was replacing a £20m leaver. Not like there afraid to invest money.
I have seen that Bristol city want brannagan from Oxford, so win win for us I reckon, keep kane and take one of better players from a rival team
How come Brizzle & Cov players are worth so much money.? It’s not like they got promoted or owt? To think we only got an initial £3m for John Stones? Has the market really exploded that much, or are we just crap at business?
Can you do one like this? نقل الأخبار كرة القدم يوقع نادي الطائي السعودي للمحترفين باري بانان من دوري الدرجة الثانية شيفيلد الأربعاء. الرسوم 500000 جنيه إسترليني بالإضافة إلى المكافأة. الصفقة تكتمل الأسبوع المقبل. naql al'akhbar kurat alqadam yuaqie nadi altaayy alsaeudiu lilmuhtarifin bari banan min dawri aldarajat althaaniat shifild al'arbiea'. alrusum 500000 junayh 'iistarlini bial'iidafat 'iilaa almukafa'ati. alsafqat taktamil al'usbue almuqbila.
Can't speak for Cov but Brizzle have put big shiny electronic billboards around the south of the city, have redeveloped the stadium and training facilities, and have cheese-infested adverts on local radio giving it the big 'un - in the minds of their delusional but frequently let-down fanbase, they're still 'Premier League-ready', should they actually ever get there. So they give themselves licence to put huge price tags on their young protégés. Or summat.
You just did. Though 500k for Herbie seems a bit too cheap. I know his hair’s going, but fckin hell? He’s a better footballer now than the one we paid a lot more than that for..?
I don’t see Kane as being a ‘good’ championship’ player. Bottom 4 of championship / top 6 L1. Too slow. Not athletic enough. A real asset to us though and integral to the way we play.
If rumours are true that we signed Kane for £1 million I don’t see much benefit to us in selling him at the same or less than what we bought him for. His value to us would be much more if he stayed and tried to get us promoted, even if it meant we lost him for free next summer.
I like Kane and I was glad to see him (and Luke Thomas) come back again last season after loan spells away. It felt like we were getting some quality signings on a free!!, and Herbie is still an important part of the team. And for obvious reasons, it sounded like he was pulling all the strings for us the other night against Tranny.
. I don’t read Arabic, but It ain’t me. My hair is fine. Not sure about my amazing pace, but the right boot still swings..