For the last couple of years we have sold our headcoach and club captain. It's not beyond the realms of possiblity that we may lose our latest Capt plus JWilliams and Herbie Kane before the end of the transfer window. I sincerely hope that this is not the case but you would not bet against it after the way players have been sold last few years. Let's hope this doesn't happen or this close season may turn into yet another comedy of errors not the midsummer's nights dream we all hoped for.
It would be a bard decision to sell. Measure for measure we still have some decent players at this level.
Ain't no love lost between those Montagues and Capulets, just banging tunes and DJ sets and dreams of naughtiness I could come up with more cheesy shakespeare references but I really don't want to be bard
Let's hope this coming season doesn't turn out to be the winter of our discontent and last Saturday was not a midsummer's nights dream. All this rumour of players sales is much to do about nothing I hope.