The ones that wind me up are ‘no age’, when someone dies (although nobody uses dead/dies any more, it’s always passed/passes) and people just saying ‘enjoy’ when they give you your food. Enjoy sounds rubbish one its own, so say ‘please enjoy your meal’!! I play a little guessing game on obituary threads. How many posts before someone says no age. I was tempted to say it when 95 year old Tony Bennett died…sorry, passed, to see if anyone picked me up on it!
Ar lass loses it when someone says " Lost " instead of there dead/died..suggested going to find em
"Slaw" is from the 18th century Dutch word for salad, so it's both acceptable and gone back to it's original meaning.
And passed is because a lot of people prefer to think their loved ones have passed over to the other side rather than having just vanished.
I am also irked by ‘I/you/we got this’, oft applied to such non-achievements, in advert land at least, as getting off your arse to take delivery of a takeaway, As for ‘go well’, it is cringeworthy beyond belief and the best argument for the reintroduction of public floggings and stocks I have heard in a long time. We also appear to live in an age where it seems the most basic of mundane functions cannot pass without being celebrated and approved of by a random pack of passing wild black stallions. I am oldish and clearly be becoming an old git.
100% - can I give this more than one like? The whole American-slang-twitterspeak that seems to pervade our media these days since Brexit/Covid is just lazy and disgusting imho. I wonder if the middle-class execs who sanction the pumping out of this twaddle have ever sat at home caring for an ill elderly relative who has few pleasures left in life other than watching a bit of sport/other telly but now can't understand a word of this Yankee-oriented babble. Go Well Reds - straight out of American golf coverage. Yuk!
It's just another example of social media b****hit bingo that BFC has become infected with. An exercise in cramming trite, irrelevance into the fewest words possible.