Thought he had a good game until their goal. League table so far: 1) Thomas Kirk 3.82 2) David Rock 2.81
Can’t vote or comment as I’ve not seen the game live. Be interesting to read through this thread in a day or 2 though
Didn’t notice anything glaringly bad in particular. Although said in another thread, not sure what the free kick was for before they scored and if it was a rolling ball or not. Apart from that he generally let the game go, didn’t give out mass bookings like last week and didn’t go overboard on injury time. Be interesting at the end of the season to see, according to the BBS, who was the best and worse refs for future reference. Although I’ll probably forget the names in time for the following season!
Nothing much wrong with the ref today from what I saw, I did wonder if the ball was moving from that free kick (and if it was a free kick at all), but he isn’t the reason we didn’t get three points today. I’d have him again without complaint. 7/10
Better than last weeks. Still inconsistent with the bookings a couple of their challenges were as bad as the one Russell got booked for if not worse at least no silly bookings for non existent time wasting. Cost us 2 points helping Bristol with their equaliser
Bit better yesterday.. don't know if it was just him or they've bee told to calm down abit after week 1
How do you mark a referee that controlled the game well and got probably 90% of his decisions right, yet the two big decisions he got wrong cost us a goal? Ie not a free kick and let's play continue with rolling ball. Is it 9 or 3? If your neutral it's 9 if you're a Barnsley fan it's 3. No point in having an overall good game if you get an important game changing decision wrong. So it's a 3 from me
Interesting take thanks. If I’d have marked him for the way you described it, I probably would’ve given him a 5. Major decisions, choose how few they are can and do impact results so I do understand you’re low marking. Still would like to hear why some people mark him so highly though
The free kick and moving ball were immediately before the goal, you're right the main highlights don't show it, however there is footage elsewhere on Twitter (X)
Not sure you can say 'we woz robbed guv' by the ref yesterday. The one and only reason we took anything from that game was Rover dire finishing.