Could be a late one with Chisora not yet started. AJ needs to be looking at an early KO like Wilder got against Helenius.
They’re different fighters though, Joshua and Wilder. Joshua will be patient and break him down, Wilder throws wild bombshell from the get go and if one hits clean it’s lights out. If it’s a KO at any point I’d say it’s a good result for Joshua
Joshua looked poor again, sometimes that can be down to the opponent you're facing. Still doesn't seem like he's in a good place, not sure what all that strange wondering around after the fight was about. Hope he fights Wilder would still be a interesting watch. I'd fancy Wilder to knock him out but Joshua has the power to stop him too, so that's the sort of heavyweight bout I want to see.
AJ will get stick regardless of the result against Wilder, but the cash will soften the blow. Lose and he gets stick for being finished. Win and people will say Wilder hasn't been the same since his Fury trilogy.
It's an exhibition fight over than wanting AJ to win I couldn't give a monkey's toss. The proper fight is Usyck v Fury.
Fury won't fight Usyk though. He's had chances and keeps running scared by pricing himself out of facing someone Joshua has boxed twice.
Neither men fight very often anymore, Wilder looked the same fighter all through the trilogy and in the fight he just had in fairness. He's very mobile and has a devastating right hand. He very limited beyond that and what you see is what you get. Joshua has not looked the same fighter since Ruiz beat him. Now I'm not having a go, boxing is a dangerous sport and he got beaten up badly that night. It would play on a lot of people's minds.
He still looks scared to get hit, and asks a lot of questions when in the corner; seems lacking in confidence for me, and has been ever since the first Ruiz fight. Doesn't have the potency that his opponents used to fear. As for the post-fight shenanigans, he acts very strangely after a fight. He either rants, or waffles, or does what he did last night: something left field, like wandering around the ring perimeter, fist-bumping randomers and drinking stout with Conor McGregor Edit: props to him for the knockout though, it was a great finish.
Joshua is boxing better now than he did pre-Ruiz, it’s just not as entertaining. He used to empty the gas tank trying to stop his opponent & if he failed he was deep in the ****. He was lucky that Whyte was unfit when he fought him & that Povetkin was an old man when they fought. He gave them both opportunities to beat him by been reckless & eventually paid the price against Ruiz the first time. Wilder fights always been a shootout for me. I think one of them gets flattened by a single shot.