Needs to be given time. American Soccer is a very different ball game to English league football. He was managing at a much lower level too. I hope he's strong enough to tell Khaled and the board what we need. We can't weaken any further. Kitching stays until at least January and if being captain is putting him off us game give it to Herbie!
I'm honestly happy for him to be given as much time as he needs, but hopefully he's got something in mind and can stand up to them, because tonight was worrying. It was exactly the sort of game that we need to win if we're going to be there or thereabouts, and we got absolutely taken to pieces.
Collins has a lot to learn. Got to be given a bit of time, but has to think back to playing in England not coaching in usa. Plus got to get connell sorted and back in team to partner kane
3 games in is probably to quick to judge I just can’t warm to him. I sit near dugout and all he does is shout and ball (typical jock) barking orders at kane cadden and styles mostly who after his berating of them didn’t know their arse from their elbows
Got to be given time, wouldn't have been my first choice. The American league is nothing compared to the efl. Early days but defensively is the worry how we are all over the place.