What a captain, fine example how not to be a team leader, head up his arse most of game, thought he was clueless???? I've always said that Mads had been carring him..
I can't agree that's what I think. Cos he has improved no end. However after last night's performance, if I was picking team, he'd have to put extra effort in training to make a starting spot Saturday.
Bit early to be making this judgement surely? I think he’ll have a good season and I hope he’s still here come September.
He was poor last night and is capable of much better. Not sure whether he is captain material though, to be honest which itself is a demanding role.
When mads was injured last season and they gave him the armband, i thought it went to his head, some players cannot live with it. i think it should be Kane or Connell ( thats if we can get him fit)
I remember Mick McCarthy having a bad run of games early on. He was much steadier when Ian Evans played along side him. The back three is patched up at best at the minute. I'm glad you are not writing the match programme, as there is a typo there. Maybe focus on the details yourself & let the manager & captain do the same?
I agree mate, I don't think the captaincy is having any issues on him. Personally,I do think he's lost a bit of composure and his mind is elsewhere however, due to the transfer rumour. I think if we keep him, you'll see this version of Kitching now, very poorly, but after September he'll be one of the best in the league (assuming there's no agendas or vendettas against people!)
This. There may be a reason he was distracted last night or he may just have had one of those nights. Hopefully he'll play better as we know he can on Saturday.
Are you right in head?…. Coventry just bid 2.5 million for him….or you just taking the P….there was a meltdown on here a week ago when people thought he was being sold as one of our best players!!…ffffck me he has a bad game and now hes clueless….lol…Jesus Christ lol
Still can’t excuse him for the error for the 3rd. The 2nd Cads starts to press, which he shouldn’t have done then, but kitchen doesn’t move over to cover him at all and leaves a wide open space for their winger. 1st even this one I think he could have done better, let’s the ball go right past him. He was great last season but I don’t think he should be captain, constantly having a go at players when it was his mistakes, head down and not much encouragement from him. Completely different from how mads used to lead imo
Me too. I'll be gutted if we end up losing him, Mads and obviously not getting Bobby Thomas in permanently. Especially if there's still clubs seriously sniffing around Williams.
Personality Shows leadership on and off the field Ability to motivate the players Having the respect of the players, both on and off the pitch Someone the manager respects and who can work in tandem with the coaching staff to ensure that what happens on the pitch reflects the plans the coaches had for the game Just a few qualities that need to be considered before choosing the captain of the club. And yet people who are sat in the stands and have never spent time with the players on the training pitch, in team meetings or in the dressing room think they know better than the manager after the captain has put in one poor performance???