It looks like Man Utd are planning on bringing him back into the first team squad. Absolutely disgusting, I hope players take turns 2 footing him.
They've just released a statement saying no decision made haven't they.... Which means they haven't decided? This statement was put out in response to The Athletic reporting that the decision has effectively been made but the announcement delayed. The tone of that statement clearly suggests he's coming back. I only hope there's now enough outcry that they have to change their decision.
Forgetting it’s an awful decision and provides another reason to not particularly like them for a second. Surely the uproar it’ll cause alone is enough to not bother? It’s dividing Man U fans let alone fans of every other team. Let him fade away in some league that has no morals. I hear Saudi is pretty popular right now?
Without wanting to defend him too much, at this time he is an innocent man. The prosecution was dropped by the CPS at the start of the year. Should he not be allowed to earn some money? (And yes, he will get pelters from every crowd and it will upset some Utd fans so he will probably be better moving overseas).
The only difference is Evans served his sentence greenwood hasn't. Although like said he's innocent in the eyes of the law.
Have you heard the recording released by the alleged victim? You can Google it, it's a very disturbing listen. Plus bear in mind she decided to record in advance so presumably thought it was a likely occurrence. He was arrested for breaching his bail conditions in October last year, one of which was not to contact the alleged victim. He had a child born in July this year. The withdrawal of key witnesses was cited as a reason for the CPS dropping the charges.
'He had a child born in July this year' - worth pointing out that he had a child with his girlfriend who is the woman who dropped the charges. I was going to say 'make of it what you will' but the truth is we don't know what the full circumstances are, other than he is innocent in the eyes of the law, and the woman who originally filed charges has decided to have a baby with him.
We've all heard the recordings and seen the pictures of the victim. Just ask yourself would you be happy about Greenwood being able to go back into the public eye playing football for Man United if it was your daughter? I think it's disgraceful anyone even thinking of defending him. Hopefully he has a very short career.
Suppose you will all be gathering to throw the first stone,not a sinful thing in your total lives ,Jesus never realised the BBS would trump him
Yeah, I've got a few sins in my back catalogue, attempted rape ain't one of them tho. Damn, I gave you your first bite.
Manchester United don't need anything legal to decide whether or not to play him. Morally, as such a massive brand & club, he should have been let go ages ago. As someone mentioned above, I don't think any other big club would touch him, so I'd expect he'd get a huge offer from Saudi, China, Russia or maybe even the US (wouldn't surprise me). He should be nowhere near that pitch at old trafford. Surely his teammates won't want him playing either as it'll affect their brand/image
I've never sexually assaulted a woman no. The fact that you're hurrying to defend a man who has evidence to suggest he has sexuallt assaulted a woman speaks a lot about your character.
But the quote you copied suggests there is more to it, without explaining that evidence. So we don't know, do we? Are you advocating dishing out summary punishment without knowing the full facts? Surely not, Mr M?