I might be biassed but I think he was the best interviewer. It was the long format, where you got chance to have a proper conversation, with guests not just there to sell their latest book, but instead there to have a proper chat. He asked interesting questions and got interesting answers. RIP Parky.
RIP Parky. His era was Skinner Normanton and Norman Rimmington when football studs had three nails in and footballs had laces.
Remember meeting my mate at uni for the first time - He asked where I was from - I said Barnsley and first thing he said was Skinner Normanton !!
Went to see him at Wakefield Theatre last year with my Dad and brother for his show with his son, Andrew. My Dad casually knew him via mutual friends. He looked a different man from previous years, very gaunt and a little frail but still funny and sharp as a tack. Did Barnsley proud. Condolences to his family and friends.
RIP strangely I woke up this morning and Dkinner Normanton came to my mind. I did not know that Parky
His was also the era of Jonny Kelly, Danny Blanchflower and Tommy Taylor. If he’d mentioned them people might have had a different perspective on Barnsley
Another part of my childhood disappears sadly his interviews were renowned everywhere in the known world and still stand up against the flood of "late show" style talk shows of today a true trail blazer ande ahead of his time in the talk show genre RIP Michael now its time to Interview the Big man upstairs
Sad news but a decent innings that. Used to love watching his interviews growing up. My dad hasn't liked him as he said he was very critical of his schooling and was unfair on them in his eyes- assuming he went to Holgate? Anyone else heard that?
Just heard it on the news. People of his age, and younger, are leaving us daily but this one upsets me. Proper Barnsley man and the very best at his job. I just don’t understand the sneering attitudes of some people to those who choose to move away for a better life. He did that (as did I) and good on him. He didn’t forget his roots and neither will I.
RIP. Always felt he came across as a decent man & I can’t ever remember anyone with a bad word to say about him which is rare in his industry.
Yes he was ex Grammar School. He wouldn't be the only one who didn't enjoy it to be fair. He was also extremely generous in a very discreet way. Gave money to local Charities, but didn't want any publicity. R.I.P.
Pretty sure he did go to Holgate. I recall my Dad, who also went there, telling me he remembered him from school.