Sorry to start a new thread but as I thought the full interview on Radio a bigger insght than the 60 second clip someone posted. For those who can't get Radio Sheff. a brief summary. Second half performence due to lack of communication and possible lack of experience which the staff are fully aware of and are doing something about it. Enjoying working with Collins ,playing in a slightly different role ,more to come from him and the team. All the players have thier targets regarding goals and assists,both as important as each other. Asked can the team get promotion yes if we bring a few more players in. Good interview ,honest and more insightful than the snippit on the BBS.
Why not post the full interview in the other thread. Edited by someone on X. Transferred to the BBS. Is the question you ought to be asking. Of the OP.
I didn't edit the clip Radio Dee Dar did. I didn't post the full interview because at the time I hadn't seen it. I posted a tweet from a local Jounrno commenting on one of our players saying in public that he doesn't think the current squad is good enough to challenge for promotion that alone should worry fans with only two weeks to go in the window. Added to that is the fact that the last player who voiced those concerns suddenly developed an urge to leave. That's why I posted the tweet.
I get that. As I pointed out the edit on X(twitter) and transferred to BBS. I really should have pointed UT towards football heaven or Adam Oxley (if he edited the interview). I apologise as I know you only copied it over. I'd already seen it on X. It makes an uncomfortable watch but it was obviously only edited to suit football heaven/adam oxley. Id have hoped to see the full interview. Given Kane would have had to take part. only with permission. From the club.
Swerved the question of would you like to stay for longer. Then ended by saying we definitely need some more players in, when asked if we had a chance of promotion. If alarms bells aren't ringing they should be.
Exactly. Some might try to dress it up as everything in the camp is fine. Come on……it definitely isn’t.
Woe is me. I'm surprised the club sold 1 season ticket reading the views of most on here. Get a grip, the club doesn't get everything right and I certainly don't agree with a lot of what happens with recruitment both in and outbit rest assured if you cut me I bleed Barnsley and I'll back them as long as I draw breath . For anyone that thinks we can compete with most clubs in the championship and division 1 clubs financially then your wrong, we can't but we will survive which is more than a lot of clubs in our position.. Eventually if things progress within the game as they are doing now we will be one of the strongest teams in the lower league and in a position to progress. True Barnsley fans and Barnsley people will realise this and for anyone that doesn't then feel free to find another club to latch on to and berate them on their message board
Yes it can be done but the whole clubs got to be aligned. We aren’t. We make pointless sound bites and then walk over them all the time.
I don’t think he’s ever really settled at the club tbf. On another not the best at interviews or communicating is he. Can barely tell what he’s saying.
Agreed, but usually players say they'll sit down with the club at some point and see what the plans are etc etc, but this very much sounded like the response of someone that isn't interesting in signing. My suspicion is that the club haven't offered him a deal because his agent has been clear he isn't signing a new deal, although of course it could certainly be incompetence from the club...
Would imagine we probably can’t really afford him on league one income. Wonder perhaps if he had been considering selling him but then we had the indefinite injury to Connell.
To be honest the club is being run abysmally, in many ways, especially in a financial sense. In my opinion the CEO should bear the brunt of the criticism for this