A car park is a car park. Most grounds are the same. If not worse. If theirs an emergency you will arrange transport or ensure you get transport for the emergency. If my parents had an accident and I couldn't get out. I would be on to blueline ensuring I get there. The car park is not an issue IMO
We get exposed by all three midfielders pushing up the field as well as Cadden/Cotter. We’ll improve when Connell is back in the middle.
There was a question about Stretch (The photographer) and the panel began answering, but Whitey couldn't keep quiet, because he's got such strong feelings about it, so they passed the mic over to him. And what he said, was, well... Just straight from the heart. He clearly has a hell of a lot of genuine feelings about Stretch and he just told the truth about what happened and paid the best compliment to Stretch that could be paid. It was raw emotion about something that clearly touched him, and he explained as best he could that life is complicated, and he has every bit of respect for Stretch, but ultimately the decision taken was the right one for the club we all love.I don't really want to try to paraphrase him, because I'll get the subtleties he was trying to express wrong. But I do hope, now that it has become public domain, that Whitey comes on here and explains in writing what he just put in words.
It's not an issue to me, but the rules around using it and getting in and out are clearly an issue for some, so I think it's just better if we cater to those who really need car park spaces.
My point stephen I'd that we don't know the whole story and it's too easy just to believe the side of the story you want to believe. it's not always the clubs fault. too many people jumping to irrational conclusions based on not enough evidence.[/QUOTE] The club wanted someone there "24/7, exaggeration" cue laughter. Why couldn't they offer him a job?
That's what frustrates me about him. He 100% is trying to do the best for the club, I absolutely believe that. It's just that he doesn't seem to understand how to do so with a customer focus
I assume from Jay's answer that the fact that media is changing means that the position isn't just a photographer, it involves other elements of media that Stretch wasn't as proficient in.
I think it's better if they were more forceful with the SAG and challenged the decisions in a court if needs be because they are clearly over zealous
The club needed someone available all the time and Stretch had a full time job so couldn't do it. Whitey answered the question with passion and he needs to be listened to.
Only just logged on so why's Iseka not in the squad then? Was it answered or did the tone of it put them off? Why would we rather put kids with zero EFL experience on the bench and who Collins says his unfair to throw them on?!
I don't think it meant that. I think they meant that the media is changing and needs to be more of an every day, all hours thing than a Saturday afternoon thing and stretch can't do that.