So, 1 minute to go I used a little colourful language, Had my photo Id photo'd, Took it off & Handed it to official. Left flag uncovered( was fuming at the time) now I may be stripped of my season ticket, 50 years a red 34 years a season ticket holder. had a word with Williams at full time & He said we need you, I get that but he we need them more. We pay their wages, without us we are screwed. Get in the Ponty end if you want to hear god awful abuse, are we going to take them to task?
If so I wouldn’t mind the lad being me being banned I can laugh now (sort of) but my god he wound me up. He has a booming foghorn of a voice and he did not stop shouting ‘garbage’ every two seconds (I might take him a thesaurus for next time), ‘we’re in a relegation battle’ (this was from 30 mins in), ‘how can we go from play off final to a relegation battle in four months’, ‘f*cking sh*te’. The whole match, never stopping for breath. I think I’m going to have to move seats.
Sorry for being thick, but I don't understand what's going on here. Can someone explain it for me please?
Honestly, I just couldn’t cope. He’s so LOUD and so over the top ridiculous with his comments. If it’s someone on here reading this, I beg you, shut up!
I have been reported for using bad language and a senior steward wanted to take a photo of my pass, I gave my pass to him, simple really. I thought shove it.
Im assuming he wanted a copy so he could ‘file a report’ or mark your cards? What if you didn’t have one or refused?
Unless you’ve gone to town on him and gone way over the top I’d have told him to **** off and told him to go and pester the majority of the stadium…….hopefully the club will see no harm was done
I might have read this wrong but I see it as he went pitch side or into an otherwise restricted area to go and cover up the cryne/preedy flag and while there got into a bit of an argument with Williams?
Without knowing what you said, we can't really form an opinion. I'm not asking you to repeat it, but you'll know. If all you did was shout "You're all ****ing crap" or something similar then you'll not have a problem. As I said, only you'll know if that's the case.