He was. It was away at Pompey, I think, but then again, I think he had only been in the country for 48 hours.
One of the most disappointing things about yesterday for me was that I didn’t see any team mates talk to the new lad after his errors. I thought it was really poor from Kitching & the other experienced players to not show him a bit of support when he was clearly struggling.
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Far too early to tell. I seem to remember this time last year that for some, Duff was the wrong appointment.
Kitching isn't captain material and iv said it from day one. If we turned down 3 million then this lot are more stupid than I thought
I don't think we had a choice.Different if they s replaced Mads with experience but suicidal letting all our backline go as well .
I thought he looked ok on the ball but looks like he might need time to adapt to League 1 football (pace of the game etc). Definitely don't think he'll be the worst of the bunch we've signed this summer.
From what I've seen of Kacper, he's a future club captain in the making. Seems to have all the right attributes.